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Member Since:Dec 17, 2003
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Education: MBA
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A tale of Haunting Silent Love
Reviewed Sholay
Well I know that all may wonder – why Sholay ?? – the movie is is as old as the hills and oft praised, but when my cable wallah CAS-t me out of myRead more...
Surely a Warm Place
Reviewed Big Chill - DLF Promenade Mall - Vasant Kunj - New Delhi
The first thing you notice about Big Chill are the numerous posters of golden oldie Hollywood movies in sleek black frames jostling for space on all the wallsRead more...
Lakshwadweep - A Jewel in the Seas
Reviewed Lakshadweep
The moment I think Lakshwadweep........a calm settles on me. The first image that flits across my eyes is when the airplane angled downward to land on the narRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on Cousin2's review
great going.......as someone described like the duracell battery...goes on and on and on - another info packed review from ur stable. keep up the amazing work..........cheers
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on fatcat's review
well i love to shop and plead guilty - no of times have pestered hubby dearest to accompany me to the nearest mall etc..........but now i can prob begin to understand how u guys feel - i mean a lawnmower maintenance manual .......hee hee..........am still in splits and am sure hubby dear wud love to Read More...
Rated on fatcat's review
Commented on s_riya's review
This is a review rich with scenes from everyday life and as u rightly said theres a malgudi everywhere.........but u captured teh essence of malgudi with such expressive language.......this surely has to be one of the most beautiful book reviews i have read in a while. and well who can forget the fa Read More...
Rated on vravindra's review
Rated on s_riya's review
Rated on indian1969's review
Commented on novicewriter's review
HI i usually dont bother to change ringtones accoridng to the latest movie flicks but agree that mission impossible is a nice tone which is a constant on my cell........and hope they add this category soon. good revu keep writing
Rated on novicewriter's review
Rated on starry_eyes's review
Commented on girl_u_can_trust's review
and u r rt - its all very subjective but me thinks this ad is damn cute with its old world feel et al. great review on a cute ad.
Rated on girl_u_can_trust's review
nice revu - informative - tho pots and pans get to be a pain - somehow they r the easiest and r mostly recycled . so 1 ends up getting loads of them. gifting a vacation tho is in another league altogether and if pockets permit r an amazing idea......excellent review
Rated on purplewriter's review
Rated on ankur_gupta10's review
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
Hiya, congrats on ur golden review.........50 well that sure r a lot of reviews......keep writing. btw agree that MS is a very supportive and friendly forum....most members write comments straight from teh heart and dont pull u down even in case u make glaring mistakes......so long live ms.
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